On November 23, 1812, Major-General Sheaffe writes to Sir George Prevost:
Fort George, 23rd Nov., 1812.
Fort George, 23rd Nov., 1812.
Sir,—I have this day received a packet from York containing a letter from Colonel Vincent, apprising me of the return of Paymaster Brock from Sackett's Harbor and of the intelligence brought from thence by him. It fully confirms that which had been previously received through several channels of the activity of the enemy in preparing the most formidable means for establishing a superiority on the lakes. If the weather at this advanced period should not countenance their design of employing them against us this season, and we should be fortunate enough to maintain- our military positions in this Province during this winter, it will require exertions of the most energetic kind to enable us to contend with them in the spring for the ascendancy on the lakes, to obtain which engages the particular attention of the American Government as being necessary to the attainment of what is evidently the main object of the war, the possession of the Upper Province, with an ulterior view to establishing a control over the numerous Indian nations.
I have the honor of transmitting to Your Excellency an address which I have received from the committee of the Executive Council of this Province respecting the comparative state of its marine. The subject is indeed interesting and has a special claim on the attention of the guardians of the public welfare.
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