Dec. 12, 1812.
York, Decr. 12th 1812.
Sir, I am at present rather at a loss as to the propriety of my immediate return to Niagara and have taken the liberty of troubling you with a few words on the subject by the oppy of Capt. Glegg.
Official Applications in the Land-granting Department are continually occurring, and it is besides necessary that I should be here on the 4th of Jany (the first day of Term.)--
Your goodness has placed me at your command in two capacities -- I need not observe that the proper discharge of the one requires from a person so young and inexperienced as I am, more than ordinary application -- but at the same time I seek no exemption from the inconveniences or dangers which may attend the other, and which all must in so good a cause be ambitious to share -- To be useful in either situation will require my exclusive attention, and I am only anxious to know in what capacity any services I can render will be most benificially employed.
In the flank Compy of Militia to which I belong there are two Subaltern Officers besides myself, and if I should be ordered to remain here may I be suffered still to retain my commission so that I shall have some certain character to appear in when any particular occasion shall call for the assistance of all.
I trust you will excuse this trespass upon your time, every minute of which is at present so precious, and that you will not conceive from what I have written the least wish on my part to avoid any duty however severe which circumstances may require, and I am competent to perform.
I am, Sir--
With the highest respect
Yr. most obt Servt
Jno. B. Robinson.
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