July 19 1812: Preparing for Siege of Malden
On July 19 1812, Brigadier-General Hull writes the Secretary of War Eustis from Sandwich, Upper Canada. Confidence still high:
Sandwich July 19, 1812.
Sir: — The army is encamped directly opposite to Detroit. The camp is entrenched. I am mounting the 21-pounders and making every preparation for the siege of Malden.
The British force, which was in numbers superior to the American, including militia and Indians, is daily diminishing. Fifty or sixty of the militia have deserted daily since the American standard was displayed and taken protection. They are now reduced to less than one hundred. In a day or two I expect the whole will desert. Their Indian force is diminishing in nearly the same proportion. I have now a large council of ten or twelve nations sitting at Brownstown and I have no doubt the result will be that they will remain neutral.
The brig Adams was launched on the 4th of July. I have removed her to Detroit under cover of the cannon and shall have her finished and armed as soon as possible. We shall then command the upper lakes.
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